rebel8: "Recently had a discussion with a surgeon who said jw parents "usually" (her word, not mine) privately say they will take blood if the provider gets a court order."
I think I must be missing something here. I've been told by several people (some JWs, some not) who work in and around Emergency medicine that many ERs have access to judges, 24/7, who are willing to issue court orders so that JW kids receive life-saving blood transfusions.
Once a court order is issued, it doesn't matter whether the JW parents are willing to "take" blood or not, the kid's going to get it. In fact, if the JW parents continue to raise a big stink once the court order has been issued, they look extra righteous to whatever HLC vultures happen to be lurking.
Could you please clarify what exactly the JW parents in this kind of situation are agreeing to?